
How to Handle Building Code Violations

Whether you’re a residential homeowner or a landlord, being hit with building code violations can make you feel anxious. How are you going to pay for this? Can you do this yourself, or do you need to pay for a professional?

Fortunately, most building code violations are a simple fix. Done correctly, you should be able to bring your property up to code within the time limit and with as little expense as possible. Use a step-by-step approach to keep organized and make sure you address all violations.

Make a List of Violations

Create a checklist of building code violations that allows you to view them at a glance and keep track of which ones are complete. Grouping them by contractor type will assist you with hiring professionals to help with repairs. It will also help you schedule contractors at the appropriate times – something contractors appreciate, as it helps them avoid getting in each other’s workspace.

Get a Copy of Your Area’s Building Code

Most jurisdictions publish their building codes online. Although the various counties maintain their own local codes, these are based on the 2013 California Building Code, which is a model code produced by the California Building Standards Commission. Look it over to determine what repairs are necessary to bring your property up to code. Consult with a real estate lawyer if you have questions about repairs and your liability. Reputable contractors in specific trades are also a helpful source of information when it comes to making repairs necessary to satisfy building code regulations.

Work with Licensed Contractors

If the repairs are beyond your knowledge and experience, work with licensed contractors to make your repairs. Speak to a few contractors and ask for estimates of how much the work is going to cost, along with how much time the repairs will take. Many contractors are happy to provide free estimates for a project.

Focus on Structural Violations First

Begin with structural violations, such as plumbing, electrical, and foundation repairs. In most cases, fixing structural damage and flaws requires opening the home’s or building’s walls. By starting with structural repairs, you will hopefully avoid having to reopen the walls after they have been repaired, patched, and painted.

Notify the Appropriate Authorities

Once your repairs are complete, call the local building department to schedule a follow-up inspection. In most cases, you will work with a building inspector to determine if your property meets building code standards. Once you’re in the clear, you can rest easy knowing your property is free from the risk of fines and other penalties.

California Eviction and Real Estate Law

Attorney Kirkman J. Hoffman has more than 20 years’ experience representing commercial and residential landlords, owners, and property managers in Silicon Valley and the surrounding regions. Contact the team at Hoffman Law Group today at (408) 241-9620 to discuss your real estate or eviction matter.

This website has been prepared by Hoffman Law Group, APC for informational purposes only and does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. The information is not provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship and is not intended to substitute for legal advice from an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.